In Our Hands

Our students demonstrate the power of their words at the eleventh annual Creative Education Trust Sixth Form Public Speaking Prize.
The nine finalists of the 2024 competition, representing all five of the Creative Education Trust sixth forms, took to the stage of the historic Great Hall of Leicester Guildhall to deliver their speeches on the theme of 'In our hands'. The assembled audience heard a wide variety of subjects, from healthcare to education, to the importance of voting and gender equality.
The timber-framed Leicester Guildhall (left); students enjoy refreshments in the wood-paneled Mayor's Parlour.
Developing voices
Each year of the Public Speaking Prize, we invite any student in years 12 or 13 in a Creative Education Trust school to write a speech of up to ten minutes in length. Thanks to our partnership with the Kalisher Trust, each of these students are offered a one-to-one coaching session from a barrister or trainee barrister. Coaching sessions support students to improve both the content and delivery of their speeches, and to prepare for questions from the panel and audience at the live final.
Following coaching, nine finalists were chosen for the final live event by staff in the schools.
Our finalist Public Speakers for 2024 are: Hayyan and Ese, Abbeyfield School; Jake and Joanna, Ash Green School; Brooke, The Hart School; Alicia and Samuel, Weavers Academy; and Alfie and Debbie, Wrenn School.
Students at the Guildhall (left); Ann-Marie Pinkney addresses the students
Speaking with authenticity
We were delighted to be joined by Kalisher Trust alumna and Bar Course candidate Ann-Marie Pinkney, who addressed the hall on the importance of finding and using your own voice and of acting as an advocate for others. Our audience featured a number of students considering a career in law, but perhaps her words may have persuaded a few more to consider this path.
Ann-Marie joined the judging panel with Marc Jordan, Chief Executive of Creative Education Trust, and John Dunston, Director of Education for the Kalisher Trust.
John Dunston congratulates the winner of this year's Prize (left); our three highly commended public speakers.
The results are in
We are pleased to offer congratulations to Joanna Hall of Ash Green School, who won this year's Public Speaking Prize for her address on the importance of education in the development of leaders. We are also delighted to commend Jake Sanderson, also of Ash Green School, Alicia Forde of Weavers Academy, and Ese Isi of Abbeyfield School for their speeches.
Creative Education Trust would like to thank the Kalisher Trust for their partnership in this activity, and the staff of our sixth-forms for their support of all participating students.
This is just one of many co-curricular opportunities offered to pupils in Creative Education Trust schools. Find out about our other cross-Trust enrichment activities.